Nars Orgasm blush

How to fake 8 hours sleep

How to kate 8 hours sleepThere is no hiding the fact, as a new mum you will be sleep deprived but you don’t have to look it. With 3 little girls 4 and under, I consider myself an expert!!

I think the biggest mistake women make in hiding tiredness is wearing too much make up, this just highlights the fact and nothing looks worse than a new mum with a mask of make up. You want to look luminous, natural and effortless (not easy when 3 hours of sleep in a row is a luxury). Here are my fail safe beauty tips for any time poor, new mum who wants to look fresh faced.

1. BB Cream – this was a game changer for me. Moisturiser (although I apply like a foundation over my daily moisturiser) / Foundation / Sunscreen in one. Its fool proof, easy to apply (I use my fingers) and gives you a healthy luminous glow without looking like you are wearing make up – Massive Tick in my book. Nothing looks worse than obvious skin coverage. Look for one with a dewy finish so your skin shines through. I personally use Garnier Oil Free – its the bomb (and best of all is available at the supermarket so it ticks the easy box). Other favourites are below:

bb creams

Garnier BB Cream / Models Prefer / Mac / Maybelline

2. Good eyebrows – invest in getting your eyebrows shaped by a professional. It instantly frames your face. If like me you are fairer a good eyebrow pencil is a must. You want to carefully fill in the gaps and define the area without looking like you have draw thick lines. I use one by Loreal in shade light brown. Other options are below:

eyebrow pencil

L’Oreal / Rimmel / Models Prefer

3. Luminous Cheeks for a glow – when we are tired we tend to look sallow. To add brightness and a glow use a blush with a pink / warm hue. You want to look naturally flushed. I have been using Nars “Orgasm” for years and its the perfect shade for my colouring.


Nars “Orgasm” / Too Faced

4. Eyelash Curler and Good Mascara – Using an eyelash curler instantly opens the eyes and mascara defines the eye. This is one item that I would struggle without. Mascara is a non negotiable for me – Cant live without! I have always been a Lancome fan (Virtuose is hard to beat) but am currently using and loving Max Factors false lash effect. Its fab.


Max Factor / Maybelline / Lancome

5. Bright pop lip – Nothing brightens your face more and gives you that instantly polished look than a bright lip. Its my signature look and for good reason. I have a fuschia pink and bold red on high rotation. If you are scared of a bright lip, you shouldn’t be – they suit everyone and are really easy to achieve. see my video below on how to get the look in less that 30 seconds. My favourite lipsticks are below:


Sportsgirl / Kate Moss for Rimmel Colours 10 RED / 20 Fuschia / LUMA by Jessica Hart for Pink Hope / Maybelline Vivids

6. White / Nude eyeliner – The best tip a make up artist ever gave me was to use a white or pale nude eyeliner on the inside rims of my eyes. Its gets rid of the red and makes your eyes pop.

Nude Eyeliner

Models Prefer / Stilla

7. Hair pulled up high into a chic top knot – Think instant facelift. Its uplifting and fresh as well as being super easy. Best of all it works on wet or dry hair and hides dirty hair for those times (and lets face it – who has time for regular hair washing) that you have not had time to wash your hair. Check out this inspiration below:

The top knot

This make up routine takes less than 3 minutes and will make you feel so much better when you look in the mirror and is perfect for greeting those unexpected guests.

Everyone keeps telling me that it gets easier and one day I will again be able to get 8 hours sleep. Until then, I will follow this routine and if all else fails there are always dark sunglasses. xxx