Where did the last year go?


Seriously, Where did that last year go?

I feel like it was only yesterday that I found out I was pregnant with my third child. I wont lie – there may have been tears. Tears of excitement, nerveousness and fear. I was only just holding it together as it was. I had two beautiful healthy girls and a great business that I had grown into something I was really proud of. Would three rock the apple cart? Would I be able to do it all?

On Saturday my baby girl Luella turned one.

Not only have I survived, I have embraced all the craziness that being a mum of 3 entails. I can now function with very little sleep, I drive a MASSIVE car with 3 car seats in the back (that most of the time looks like a rubbish dump in the back), I push a double pram with another sitting on the top, I can do any task one handed whilst juggling a baby on my hip, Who needs 30 minutes to get ready – 10 minutes and I am done, all whilst running an international handbag business. If it sounds hectic, it is. Me time has been pushed out the window for now, but you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. When your life is crazytown you have no option but to embrace it and sign up as the mayor.

When I look into those big blue eyes, my heart just melts. Little Lulu has completed our family. She is a joy and just fits in with her sisters and now as a mum of 3 I just look at my family and cant help but feel blessed.

In life, there is nothing more important than family. Crazytown can sometimes feel all consuming but in those times I take a deep breath, look at the three gorgeous little people who call me Mummy and realise that they are all that matters. They are why I do what I do everyday and they are what completes me. Thank you Lulu for coming into our lives and making them a little more special.

Happy Birthday Baby girl. xxx

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