
What Lucie did next…..

It’s an end to era for me today.  After 10 years its time to say goodbye to my 1st baby, Il Tutto. What a crazy ride it’s been – filled with such tremendous highs and some moments, lets just say I will put down to being character building. I am thrilled to have sold the brand to a great nursery business in Melbourne and am excited to see the brand continue to grow with a bigger infrastructure behind it.

After running your own brand and business for so long, its hard to know what to do next. Through some soul searching and the decision to focus on my happy place, I am now back in the world of fashion and design – Yay! (Insert happy dance here). You can now find me as the Head of Accessories for a company called APG & Co. For those in Aus, this means the brands SPORTSCRAFT, SABA, WILLOW and JAG – Fun fun fun!!!!

Leaving the life of an entrepreneur will always be tricky. That thrill and excitement is intoxicating so watch this space but for now I am loving life and loving the thrill of working back in big business surrounded by the buzz of an amazing team. I am even being used as the poster child for attracting female executives to the business – Head of accessories / mother of 3 / having it all – Ha ha ha!!

Linkedin profile piece

Stay tuned as my journey moves into the next chapter…..